How to Send Over Data When You Can’t Send Over Data
Although the Twitch Dungeon Game needs no introduction, allow me to remind you of one of its core features: level creation. Viewers of the player’s livestream are able to create levels within Twitch using a Twitch extension (no external resources required!). Upon a viewer completing a level’s creation, the viewer will send over their level…
In the Twitch Dungeon Game (which still needs a name, by the way), the player enters 18×10 tiled rooms. These rooms contain enemies, and these enemies’ need to move in a couple certain ways: Let’s start with the melee enemies. Just make them move in the direction of the player’s position, right? Eh, it’s more…
What is the Twitch Dungeon Game?
Software Engineering. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s computer science capstone class. I’ve heard whispers of it since my freshman year, whispers of excitement, frustration- pretty much every emotion you can think of. Let me break it down for you: the semester starts with some lecture-based classes about project management. However, within a couple weeks, the group…