
  • Siren

    This summer was a summer of music for me. I went to various concerts, music festivals, etc. all to get the most enjoyment possible out of my last school summer vacation. During that time, however, I kept trying to find nearby events that correlated with my music tastes. A lot of websites were okay, but…

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  • Car Car Saves Christmas

    I am president of my university’s game development student organization. This past weekend, we hosted a 48-hour game jam with the theme of “Against All Odds.” To be completely honest, I had a game idea before going into the game jam: Car Car Saves Christmas. One of the very first video games series that I…

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  • M+DEV 2024

    What a blast! Running a booth was as fun as ever, but before we get into M+DEV, let’s talk about the problem with S’no Problem. In my previous blog post, I exclaimed about how excited I was for adding bug fixes, Halloween-themed levels, etc. etc. However, when my good pal and roommate Ian Cooper play…

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